Last Thursday, June, 17
the First Benefit Show
at IES Isidra de Guzmán took place at the Meeting Room of the High School at 17:30.
All the tickets available were sold among students, friends and relatives and everybody enjoyed a funny afternoon. Thank you everybody for joining us and congratulations to the artists! Special thanks to Miguel Ángel and other teachers and relatives who took photographs and videos. The following is a brief summary of the event:

The Conductors.

The Audience.

An English Chorus: Alba Rodríguez, Marta Pérez, Irene Salido, Clara Sarro and Andrea Moreno, 1st ESO students, interpreting
AN IRISH BLESSING, a popular Irish song and
EVERYBODY SINGS FREEDOM, a spiritual song.
TELEPHONE: HELP HER, a show based on the song
Telephone, by Beyoncée, interpreted by Tania Martínez, Julia Nemes, María Ocaña, David Moro and Jennifer Cocera, 1st ESO students. The song talks about a woman in jail and the dancing tries to transmit that everybody needs help sometimes.

Flamenco Dancers: Jessica Durán and Elena Antequera, 4th ESO students.

A Four Hands Piano Performance, by Sara Gañán and Mª Nieves Robledo, 2nd ESO students, interpreting Czerny´s
MIXING IS POSSIBLE, a dancing show created by 4th ESO students Estefanía Ayala, Celia López, Elena Antequera, Jessica Durán and Lissa Dockli, in which different styles are mixed. Jazz, classic dancing, reggaeton, funky and hip-hop are combined to show that
mixing is possible thanks to respect and tolerance.
A GLASSES SYMPHONY, rythms with plastic glasses on desks, an original way of showing imitations, repetitions and canons. The interpreters are 2nd ESO students Esteban Cevallos, Yulia Shcerba, Laura Sopeña, Diego García, Laura Sánchez, Sara El Korchi, Lorena Descalzo, Diego Gallego, Cristina Cubillo, Cecilia Rubio, Nerea Álvarez y Miguel García Romeral.
YOUR BROTHER IS A MAN, a Spanish parody by Isabel Agüero whose aim is reflecting on women equality.
Sound: Fernando Melenchón; lights: Jesús González; dress: Roxana Comán, Desy Valerieva and Cristina Bolaños; scenery: Javier Robledo, Jesús Castro and Dyna Alexandrova; prompter: Víctor Castaños; father : Alberto Moreno, mother: Soraya del Fresno, son: Sergio Vivo, daughter: Justina Strauss. Directed by Amelia de la Prida.
COEDUCATION: María Guzmán, Paloma Gil-Ortega, Estrella Márquez, Andrea Pérez, Irene Hernández, Sara Gañán and Andrea Hernández, 2nd ESO students, dancing in favour of equality.
TRICICLAOS, a particular trio of 4th ESO students Javier Robledo, Alberto Moreno and Jesús Castro, interpreting a parody of Julio Iglesias´hit parade
Soy un truhán, soy un señor.
Amelia´s students thanked her for her efforts.

Terry´s students thanked her for her help.
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